Waiting for another blessing...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Another Setback...

Just when things give the appearance of moving forward...

Another setback.

And everything comes to a screeching halt.  And now we just wait. 
For more paperwork.

This year we have been studying Genesis.  Studying the Patriarchs. 

One of the things I have noticed is that I have a few things in common with them.

Abraham waited.

Isaac waited.

Jacob waited.

Joseph waited.

While they waited God changed them.

God strengthened their faith.  God dealt with their sin.  God removed any sense of pride.

That they would die to themselves and live for His glory.

I know that we - that I - am in Genesis this year for a reason.

I am waiting, hoping that God would change me.

That He would strengthen my faith.  That He would deal with my sin.  That he would take away all my pride.

That I would die to myself and live for His glory. 

Even in the setbacks.  Even when things are frustrating and don't make any sense.  Even when it seems like God isn't doing anything.

"During the times we think God isn't doing anything, He is doing the work most important to Him:  developing our character and transforming us into the image of Christ Jesus."


  1. Wonderful things come to those who wait....Stay strong

  2. Thankful your eyes are focused on Him in the midst of it all. He is working for your good and His glory.

  3. All of my life's biggest blessings have come through waiting. And the end result is always so much better than you've ever imagined!
